domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

Post 2: Why did you choose your career / study programm

Hello again!!! This is my second post, and I want to share it with you guys!

When I was a child, I dreamed about being so many things. I used to be quite undecided . I  wasalways indecisive, I really liked medicine, veterinary medicine and I also dreamed of being a dancer, or even an actress, I always had several ideal jobs as a child and I really wanted to be everything!

When I was growing up, My options changing and I realized that I did not have the ability to be a doctor, because blood, wounds and everything related to an open body disgusted me. After that, nutrition started to call my attention and it became one of my options hwen i applied to college.

 finally I decided to study psychology because I liked nutrition but I didn't like the study programme and when I saw the psychology programme, I really loved it!. So that made my final decision of studyng this career to become a phychologist.

So far my experience at the university have been quite very different from what I imagined, because the online mode is not of my better choices, but what i really like are teachers and the subjects I have, they make me happy despite of the circumstances.

I conclusion, I would like to work in clinical psychology, having  my own clinical practice with different cases, besides being able to work in another schedule with high performance athletes as a sports psychologist, becauseI am a karate athlete and I like sports too much.

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Post 8: English Language Challenges

 hello, welcome to my new blog. Today I will talk about my experience learning English at the university, I am very sad about it, because ev...