miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021

Post 8: English Language Challenges

 hello, welcome to my new blog.

Today I will talk about my experience learning English at the university, I am very sad about it, because everything has been online, I think it is not the best way to learn, and especially English because it is a language to interact, and I really expected to live it in person, despite that, I think I managed to learn a little more of this language.

Regarding the use of blogs, I also think it is good to be able to learn new words, because every time I do not remember the words, I have to look them up and I learn them, I also find it very good to interact with my classmates through them.

What I need to improve is the vocabulary, I am always forgetting how to say things, grammar is one of the most difficult things I find. I want to travel to the United States to be able to learn and improve the language better, as they say that one of the best ways to learn the language is this way. 

Outside of class I use English very little, sometimes with my boyfriend, since he likes the language very much, and he helps me to learn it.

thanks for reading my new post! 

lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

Change to my study programme

 hello welcome to my new post.

I had never questioned if I would change my study plan, I think I really like it. I have compared with other universities and one of the reasons why I chose to study at the university of chile, was because I like their study plan.

However, maybe I would improve the workload, because currently it has not been easy for anyone to handle the academic load, since the online university is not easy. It is not pleasant to be so many hours in front of the computer.

I do not know the facilities of the faculty, since I am in my second year of psychology and I haven't the opportunity to study in person, so I cannot say if I would change the infrastructure or not.

I consider that the use of technology brings benefits and consequences, thanks to technology is that we can continue studying online, but we must also accept that it is not the best option, as it exhausts a lot of vision, give headaches and also the posture is not adequate to spend so many hours in front of the computer.

I think there are good teaching methods, some are better than others depending on the teacher, some ideas and methods are very good, it has allowed me to learn better, the fact of having application evaluations, has allowed me a better learning development.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

I believe  one of the most important reasons after studied a graduate degree is to have more knowledge, to be able to exercise the career with more skills. At the same time, a person acquires greater employability in some fields, as well as courage and confidence after having studied a postgraduate degree.

I would like to study a postgraduate degree,and  specialize in the sports area. I would love to study abroad, to learn about another culture, and hopefully learn another language.

I also think that it is very important for employability, since a postgraduate degree has more benefits, and also to have a financial base, especially in the line of work, and also to have a base economically.

With all of the above, I hope soon after leaving the undergraduate program, to be able to study a postgraduate career and get to know another country and another city.

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Post 5: My Future Job

 When I think about a future job, I think something that’ll make me happy, that’ll allow me to do all the things I’ve always dreamed and at the same time have some free time for myself.

I would like to be a karate teacher and complement it with psychology, so I can be able to help my students in this field.

I would love to have a gym with a lot of disciplines, where people can train karate, have physiotherapy, nutrition and psychological assessment.

Ideally it should be something very complete, a big place with an open air to be able to train there.

I hope I can make a good money, to allow me have all pleasures like a big house or travel a lot.

I’m studying psychology and I think I can complement it with my karate lessons, so I feel it’s an excellent idea.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

What like to study psychology?


Well I study Psychology at the University of Chile, I am in my 2nd year this 2021

 I chose the career because it always caught my attention, especially because I want to complement it with my sports career,I feel psychology is very important for high performance athletes.
 Is very difficult to study today in this context, because the career involves a lot of reading, not everyone has the possibility of printing texts, and are forced to be reading on the computer, which is quite exhausting.
I also think it would be much better to be able to talk to teachers face to face to exchange ideas. 
I really enjoyed studying psychology, and thanks to that I have done very well in every subjects. I believe that many of the teachers are great motivational speakers, which also allows for greater motivation. 
My classmates are very nice, which also allows a greater encouragement to be studying online.
I totally recommend the psychology career, because it allows to understand many of the human behaviors in different aspects, it is quite interesting in many ways, besides I have learned to know myself.

martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Post 3: Mental health Problems related to a lockdown


             One of my personal problems during the pandemic was that i felt lonely and overwhelmed.

            I felt down. I've always been an active, sociable person. With the lockdown, I became

            introverted and not in the mood for anything.

            One of the things I've done to get over this lockdown is playing sports and doing other tasks                    such 

            as learning how to cook, which is really entertaining to me, playing board games with my

            family, and watching some TV series.

            The pandemic in our lives presents us a clear issue: social inequality. Besides, I considered it's 

            great opportunity to learn about and improve relationships with the people around you.

             My future plans are being able to live in Santiago, have my own independence, and get

             back to my karate trainings and competitions, In addition, I would like to be reunited

             with my friends and get to know my classmates in university.


miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

my best holidays ever

My best holidays ever were with my aunt in Porma a locality near Toltén city, and I don’t have a specific date because with my family went several times in the summer. Every day that I use to go was my favorite, because I could hang out with my family and boyfriend, we can visit the beach which is very beautiful and isolated, it’s not a well-known place but is wonderful. Besides, my aunt lives in a countryside, so I love to go there. I went like 4-5 times in the summer with my dad, mom, grandma and boyfriend.

One of the things that we do was to play games like soccer, running, beach tennis and board games, it was like we all became children again. We are allowed to go to the beach the days off quarantine and there is very isolated so it’s was not a problem.

Until now, this vacation was my favorite because I love the nature and be calm, it´s a place surrounded by vegetation and also I like so much have some fun with my family.

Post 8: English Language Challenges

 hello, welcome to my new blog. Today I will talk about my experience learning English at the university, I am very sad about it, because ev...